wonder egg priority

Wonder Egg Priority is a show that's really close to my heart. After the first couple of episodes, I kinda fell in love with the pretty character designs, breathtaking visuals, and awesome music. I got really attached to the friendship between Ai, Rika, Neiru, and Momoe - each character felt like a unqiuely authentic representation of girlhood.
Unfortunately, as watchers of the show may already be aware, the anime fell off in the second half. Where Wonder Egg Priority excelled in its visual splendor, it faltered in its plot; though I really, really wish I could say that Wonder Egg Priority was the anime of the year, too many plot threads were added and too many loose ends were left by the series's end for me to say that it was anything other than disappointing.
I'll always love Wonder Egg Priority, though - from the characters to the premise, it's a show that appeals to me on many levels despite the ending. Definitely a personal favorite of mine!!